Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chocolate Milk!

Snow is now melted and now we are to the weather where it goes from super nice and warm enough to cold chilly and rainy all in the same week! I hate the weather I really do. One reason I hate the weather that we are on to now is because with this dumb switching weather we get T-t-t-t-tornados...and I am DEATHLY afraid of those! I used to cry when even the sirens came on! Pathic and pethetic, I believe so. I don't think that fear is good when you live in tornado alley...
This morning my alarm goes off at 6:17, yes I know very weird time for an alarm to go off but I didn't set it for that time, I set it for 6:30 but my stero got off time and so now when it goes off my phone says 6:17 and not 6:30. So guess what I did....I didn't get up! Ok if not getting up when my alarm went off is the excitment of my day today feel free to make fun of me because good lord that is so lame! I ended up setting my phone alarm for 6:30 and got up then.
School...why can't we hit the snooze on when that starts? Yesterday at school the student council in the cafeteria played some Justin Bieber and I was oh so happy! Some of you may not know but I am a huge Bieber fan! It didn't start out that way though! I started out hating the kid and taking my friend Moriah's Ipod to listen to him and pretend I was shooting him.....but I've changed!! My friend Lindsay and I have this theory, everyone is a Justin Bieber fan but it is just hidden in your bladder, so if you go pee 6 times in one day well then your Bieber liking will start showing! Ja can just picture some people holding their pee in until the last possible moment just to keep from liking Bieber.
Well I think that I have talked/wrote enough for right now so I will log off and get back to, to, to um to something. Bye(:


  1. ok. i admit. justin bieber can carry a tune, and i like his new hair cut, but i really dont like the fans of bieber, they pretty much ruined his music for the general population that is not a member of a bieber cult. :P

  2. Jaja! But I so haven't ruined his music and I am not apart of a Bieber cult...:)

  3. Haha that was so funny when you would pretend to shoot him on MoJo's ipod :)
