You have to read Of Mice and Men! Just saying! We had to read it in English2H and well wow I thought it was going to be really dumb like the other books we read but it wasn't it was so very good, so you better, or I will find out about you not and then I will hurt you! No not really but do do do do do read it! Do!
Finals is a dreaded time of year, it happens twice, for those of you who are seniors and have an A in any of your classes at second semester, lucky you, not having to take a final in the class you have an A in. Finals mean you have to study right, NO! I will probably study for one class, and that is History, maybe a little for French but not a lot. I figure if I do the study guide for the other classes that, that is studying enough. You have probably heard it many times but studying is spelled like student dying, so I try and make it a habit to not be a student who is dying, just not my thing. I do not want to be the girl to my and your left! So instead I will do something that will not make me die and will keep me interested and will help me with trivia games, and that is, watch Glee!! (:
Well seeing how I have nothing interesting ever happen in my life, no that is so a lie, but seeing how nothing of interest happened today except I finished a great book, and the only thing on my mind are the words Brooklyn, New York, Broadway, Statue of Liberty, Shopping, and Cheese....? I will say goodbye, I would be fancy and put it in a different language but I am too lazy for that right now, so I won't. So goodbye!
For your viewing pleasure! (:
freak:) of mice and men was a good book!
ReplyDeleteand i love that video
ReplyDeleteI said it was a good book, I loved it so very much! Its so dunny right!