Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catch Ya On The Flip Side

Long weekend is now over sadly and it is time to get back to actual school work things that made your mind numb and jello-y. I don't see why someone who did things like MLK Jr couldn't have a birthday right after him. Back to school means my schedule today, way too super easy Biology class, mind numbing nothing to do so you want to sleep Endeavor, dry sense of humor makes his tests weird maybe a little funny Mr. Tate's History class and I don't want to play I don't get some of the music Orchestra. Last night I had a slight fevor and my mom said that if I was like that in the morning that I shouldn't go to school, so I could have not came today but I decided I would be a good child and come to school and not play sick even though I have a stuffy nose and a little cough. I don't know what happend this year/last year, I used to never get sick and when I did it was serious and now this year/last year I have been getting these mini cold things even more than my sister who gets sick all to often! The guy I like still doesn't know it but I really wish he did because then maybe he might like me back, if you know who he is you could hint to him that I like him, maybe that'd help;) I am tired of typing so I am going to play internet games so I will catch you on the flip side, bye!(:

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