Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The second day of the year was a good second day of the year. I went to church this morning and then came home and played Rummy with my brothers Jake and Payden, and I got second place with 510 and Jake had 520 and poor tiny little lady voice Payden came in last with a sad little 275, poor child, but I guess that is what little boys with lady voices get, no just kidding. I am so ready for February, which is when I get a new phone, oh yes I will finally be rid of the ugly thing that I have now, and also it is when my friend Amy and I have planned out Next Next Sleepover, yes unlike many of you we name our sleepovers, its a fun thing, you should try it (:
 Since I newly know how to finally add pictures in a post I will do so now, in this small picture interlude. Enjoy :)
 This is a picture I made with all of my family, brothers sister dad and stepmom, as old ladies in dresses.
This is my fantastic beautiful dog Kayla Nicole Price (:
This is is my friend Amy and Marissa and I riding a roller coaster with none other than Mr. Bieber (:
This would be my friend Hailey and Emily and I after we drew on our faces with eyeliner at a sleepover (:
This is my Fat Beast, Michelle and I with Hailey's things in our coat and we look pregnant :D
 This is a picture I made and I love it! I also made the hat (:
That is going to be the end of my picture interlude, mainly because I don't know which ones to add. (:

Then I am ready for March 18-28 because that is Spring Break and I shall more than likely, if I don't I will die, be going to Brooklyn, New York, oh yes that is right. I am really so super ready for it that it is sad really. I start school again on Tuesday and I don't think that should happen, I think we need more time off, but I guess the sooner we start the sooner Spring Break and Summer Break get here and also the sooner I get a new phone. Well there isn't much more to say of talk about, or have my brother read over my shoulder about, so it is now time for me to bid you adieu! (:

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