Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Did someone call for rain? (:

So right now this is just a baby blog, baby blog is simply a more fun way of saying new blog. Basically right now I am talking to myself because as of right now I still have zero followers but seeing how, here comes my fun word, this is still a baby blog it is understandable. I have not posted on my other blog is an obvious amount of time so I thought hmmmm lets start a new one. This one shall be more structured and I will right on it more than I did my other one, that way my posts aren't as long as my arm. So I will tell you about my day at school today and then I shall end this post. Today at school I lost my voice completely! But then I happened to stumble upon it in the water fountain, oh lucky me, got my voice back. Talking is one thing I am always doing so I was so happy I found it. I think why a blog is so good for me is because I talk and talk and talk and when I stop it is because I am sleeping. No not even losing my voice kept me quiet, so I squeaked out words the best I could. My voice is back just a little but not very much. Ha oh well, I will let my voice have its freedom, for now. (: Ok well I said after I told you, actually still being only myself, about my day I would end this post, so now we are ending this post (: post ended.

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