Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I will expel him faster than a Thai takeout place can read back a delivery order (:

Ok so I am at school in the last class of the day, which is debate and since I quit this year, I do nothing! Do I should most likely be working on homework but instead I decided to play games and that got boring after like five minutes so I decided lets do my blog post for the day, so here I am blog posting away. So my voice is full on back in swing today, which yes does mean I have mostly talked to whole day away, but the day is not yet over, oh far from it. On one of my classes I sit next to the guy I like and we don't talk as much as I would hope but we sure do talk a lot, but more would be good, so if anyone, and I mean if anyone, reads this blog and you know who I am talking about, you should like hint to him that I like him or to talk more, you know either one, or not you know it is up to you. ;) Christmas count down = t minus 19 days. I think I am more excited for the break that comes from school though. So nothing to awesome has happened today, well nothing awesome has happened today so there is not much to blog about, but I had to do it now or I wouldn't get to today because my mom's computer doesn't work, so I chose to blog about nothing rather than no blog at all, to blog or not to blog that is the question. I do write because I know there must be one person out there reading this, well I hope there is that is. But since this post is going no where fast I will choose to end it here, so Hwyl Fawr! (happens to be goodbye in welsh) :)

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