Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

If we lose we should throw possums! (:

Ok so I'm not a total scrooge but I also don't totally flip out over Christmas, I'd say I am somewhere along the average side of how excited I get about the Christmas season. Today I went and watched the toys for tots ride and HOLY COW I know have to say I think everyone in the not so big but bigger than some town of Springfield everyone owns a motorcycle. Pretty crazy! So nothing too terribly exciting, well nothing exciting has happened to me today and really nothing funny, well there was one thing. So I tried to jump over the side of my couch, which isn't smart if your me, and I ended up getting stuck on my back and my parents said I looked like a turtle on its back, it was kinda funny. So back to Christmas, even though I don't throw things because I get so excited, I still do count down so yes if you asked I would know that there is only 20 days until Christmas. But you know what I am way more excited for than for Christmas, February, and now you might be thinking oh her birthday must be then, but no, no its not, my birthday was November 21st, and off topic, yes I do have my license ;) but back to it, in February I get a brand new phone, oh yeah! I get to chose anyone I want and I am leaning towards the HTC! I am ready! Well not that I have anything important to get back to or anything but I am going to say, Nakemiin! (:  (meaning bye in finnish) (:

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