Mind of Madie

Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Too Short

So yes I do realize that it has been just a few, maybe more than just a few, possibly a lot of few days since I last posted, and it's not totally my fault :) but I am posting now. Since I have no idea when my lasted post was I will just start with telling you about my Christmas. Christmas was g-reat! I love it every year. I got so much good stuff but there is a tie for my facoritest gift, one thing that is in the tie is my Glee Karaoke game! AHHH I love it so much I must say I do rock at it ;) then the other thing is my Peace Sign Rain Boots! GAH they are so cute! I love them so much, after I opened them I like was petting them, oh yes they are fantastic. I had a Glee Peace Christmas! Then there is the few days that have followed Christmas so far, I cousin sitted for 2 days and that was so much fun. I love my cousins. One named Trevor, well unless you mix up his name and say Trailer like me, says the most random things you have ever heard, like wow, I can totally tell he is related to me! :) Then Lance, or like Trevor called him after I said Trailer, Pants, so now they are Trailer and Pants, but Pants is 6 foot and only a 7th grader, REALLY! Geeze its crazy. I love those kids! Now it is the 29th and not much has happened today at all, except I cleaned my room, well half, by myself and I did goooood! It is wayyyy cleaner than my sisters side! Which doesn't ever happen! I think this break is way too short, I mean there is so much I still want to do and people I need to see and it doesn't look like that is going to happen :0 too short :( Well somehow I have managed to condense my past couple of weeks down into short reading just in case someone reads this they don't get too bored :) Well it seems to be time for me to let my dog in and I just know someone will take the computer so for now, and I promise not to be too long before my next post, it is Goodbye! :)

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