Did you know there is 98% less fat in reading a blog than watching a TV? Did you know I just made that up? Did you know you can start a fire with ice? Did you know that, that is a fact? Truthfully you don't know which one is true or false, other than the fact that I just told, well anyways welcome to my blog, in which I hope you read faithfully!
Down to the real news, there is none, not from me anyway. So I will tell you other random stuff about my spring-break so far!
Day 1, Saturday: I worked for my grandpa from 8am to 5pm! Blech! Then I hung out with my mom and my sister until we all were too tired to stay awake and we went to bed.
Day 2, Sunday: Worked from 8am to 3pm, then came home. I drove home, I have my license! I have had it for 4 months and 1 day! Yay! Well then we got home, then me and Chelsea, my sister, went to see Beastly, good movie, but there was something wrong with my eye! It was swollen! I guess I got something in it while working for my grandpa, oh well! I kept my sunglasses on the whole time we were at the movies, my eye is normal now!
Day 3, Monday: My grandma came over with her dog, named Idgy, 2.6 pounds, teacup chawawa (<-- wrong spelling!). The dog loved my and scratched me all up, oh well, I love that dog. Then we went to my grandma's house for dinner, good stuff too! Then we went home and that was that day!
Day 4, Tuesday: Went to Michelle's house for a fantastic gleepover, which is where you watch Glee at a sleepover! Fun! We still didn't get finished and it was our second one! Geeze!
Day 5, Wednesday: Went to my dads house, still at my dads house. We had church that night which is where we helped with the Splice spring break party! That was pretty fun.
Day 6, Thursday: Nothing! Blah! Blech! Ugh!
Day7, Friday(Tomorrow): Going to Encounter with a friend and her church, don't know what that will be like.
Day 8, Saturday(Two Tomorrows away): Still at Encounter.
Day 9, Sunday(Three Tomorrows away): Come home from Encounter and hang out with my lovely mom!
That is my spring-break all mapped out in a form that Mr. Tate would approve of! Well I have messages to reply to and people to tweet and facebooks to stock, jk, so I will be done blogging now. See ya! Have a great spring-break!(:
Mind of Madie
Logic, I have some but you wouldn't see it as terribly logical, at least most others don't anyway.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gleek much? Oh yeah!(:
Did you watch Glee last night? If you didn't well I do in fact think that you missed out greatly!They sang songs that they wrote! Rachael sang one at the beginning that went like this "You've only got one egg, thats not enough to make and omelet" its called only child! Remember when she sang my headband, hahaha! Then she wrote one called Get It Right and wow wow wow wow that one was very good, it was also one they sang at regionals! Then Puck sang a song that he wrote for Lauren, he sang it becasue Fat Bottom Girls offended her, that song was called Big A$$......Heart, it was a cute song. Then Mercedes wrote one and sang it, and I did love it, it was called Hell No. Santana wrote one for Sam and it was called Trouty Mouth, here is a little of that one "Gupy face, trouty mouth, froggy lips" I loved that one, my mom and I kept singing it! I want all of those songs on my mp3! Well also on Glee Kurt gets a solo and a man, weirdo combo but it happened. Quinn was also more of a jerk than ever to Racheal bu that caused that great song she wrote so it all worked out in the end! They ended up with a **** at regionals, I didn't want to give it away for those of you who didn't watch! Ha there is this kid looking up how to solve a rubix cube! Ha, sorry random, and not Glee related. My mom cried a couple of times too, about Glee, it was funny! Well that is really all I can tell you about Glee without giving stuff away (: So if you still haven't seen Burlesque, get on that! You will love one part lots, the cookie part as I call it, it's great! So I had to write this English paper and then after I wrote it I realized I did it wrong, not only after I wrote it but after I turned it in too! Gah, I hope I don't do too bad on it! Do you ever wake up and your tongue feel like a dry sponge? Well in the past two days that has happened five times to me! Annoying! Well anyway I am going to stop writing now so have a good day!(:
Monday, March 7, 2011
Its a passion, an emotion, its a fashion Burlesque!
Saturday night my friend Emily came over and we went to Huruno, where we had sushi! Yum! If you haven't tried some, do so! I don't mean the whole raw fish I mean the roll stuff, I won't eat the other stuff, no way! Well my mom, Emily and I got soy sauce like ALL over the table, on accident of coarse! It was great. Well then we went home, to my house and we watched Burlesque, which is an awesome movie! I recommend that you get to watching that one! I loved it so much that Sunday I went out with my mom and we bought the movie and the soundtrack, and I am currently listening to it now! If you love Cher, like moi and you are a fan of Christina Agulara (spelled wrong?) and like Stanley Tucci and that James guy from Twilight well then there is a movie for you! Burlesque! And even if you don't like those people well there is a movie for you too! Burlesque! Ha wait that was the same movie! Ha yeah I did that on purpose, haha! Would you like to know my favorite songs from the movie? Well I am glad you said yes because here they go 1. You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me 2. Express 3. Show Me How You Burlesque 4. Bound To You 5. Somethings Got A Hold On Me yep those are my top 5 out of 10, they are great, well you should watch it, and if you do and don't like it, don't blame me I don't know what movies you like;) Well ta ta for now or ttfn! (:
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Happy Birthday Justin Bieber!
Today 17 years ago Justin Bieber was born! I know what you are thinking if you don't like Bieber, well actually I don't because I can't read minds, but I used to be exactly like you, I didn't just not like the kid, I hated him! I would listen to my friend Moriah's Ipod and pretend to be shooting him with this gun game, yikes! But then after hearing him EVERYWHERE and hear about him from EVERYONE I did in fact become a Bielieber or devlop Bieber Fever, or what ever little saying you want to call it. At first I only liked his music and thought he was a little girl, but then again my opinion changed! I know love him and his music both! He, from what I hear and what was in his movie, is a GREAT kid! I know have 3 apps on my phone that are Bieber apps and he was my wall paper for a while and also I am devoting a blog post to him on his birthday! Fan! Bielieber! Bieber Fever! All me now. Even if you do not like Bieber or are a Bieber hater I do encourage you to check him out! You might just become a fan! Well I won't bore you anymore with my Bieber post. Go see his movie! You'll love it! Bye(:
Happy 17th Birthday Justin Drew Bieber!!(:
Happy 17th Birthday Justin Drew Bieber!!(:
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The pictures are kinda gross online!
Tuesday my sister noticed this thing on the back of her leg, she said it itched and that she thought she had a bug bite, well this thing looked different from a bug bite. The next morning my dad and stepmom took her to urgent care to have it looked at, the doctor gave her pain medicine and itching medicine and said that it would get worse over the next two weeks and it if didn't get better after that to come back. TWO WEEKS!?! Really! Well last night, Saturday night, we went to the ER because it had been a few days and it was looking worse and we didn't like the fact that the doc didn't give her antibiotics....so we went back. I didn't go to the first hospital visit but I went to the second, and it was great! There was a fish tank in the waiting room and it had characters from Finding Nemo! It was awesome, what was unawesome was the fact that we were in the waiting area where they get you in quicker and yet we still waited an hour! Okay so tell me if I am wrong, but its an ER people who go there need help quicker than just a doctors office so shouldn't they go faster...? Well finally were in the room and it was so funny! My dad hid the mouse and put this price check thing there and took some gloves and gauze! We were all cracking up! The lady who did the registration was named Jandy and I loved her name! But that poor lady had to go through my families weridness! It was great! Well I am glad we got a second opinion because this doc gave her antibiotics, pain medicine, itching creme and some other medicine and asked about a tetanus shot! She was on top of things! Well today, the day after, her bite looks way BETTER! Back to my story though, after we got the prescriptions we had to go to Walgreens to get them filled, and that was a fun place! I look like my mom and act like my dad, meaning more or less that I am crazy! Well the wait was suppose to be like 45 minutes! But ended up being like 20, haha. Maybe its because how crazy we were in the store. My dad and mom and stepmom and I and my sister were just walking around the store and playing with EVERYTHING and being super rambunctious! It was great. Well that was my Saturday night, my Sunday has been boring so no need to waste your time! So see ya! Thanks for reading!(:
*Did you know: Brown Recluse venom is more poisonous than the venom of a Rattle Snake? True story!*
*Did you know: Brown Recluse venom is more poisonous than the venom of a Rattle Snake? True story!*
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Chocolate Milk!
Snow is now melted and now we are to the weather where it goes from super nice and warm enough to cold chilly and rainy all in the same week! I hate the weather I really do. One reason I hate the weather that we are on to now is because with this dumb switching weather we get T-t-t-t-tornados...and I am DEATHLY afraid of those! I used to cry when even the sirens came on! Pathic and pethetic, I believe so. I don't think that fear is good when you live in tornado alley...
This morning my alarm goes off at 6:17, yes I know very weird time for an alarm to go off but I didn't set it for that time, I set it for 6:30 but my stero got off time and so now when it goes off my phone says 6:17 and not 6:30. So guess what I did....I didn't get up! Ok if not getting up when my alarm went off is the excitment of my day today feel free to make fun of me because good lord that is so lame! I ended up setting my phone alarm for 6:30 and got up then.
School...why can't we hit the snooze on when that starts? Yesterday at school the student council in the cafeteria played some Justin Bieber and I was oh so happy! Some of you may not know but I am a huge Bieber fan! It didn't start out that way though! I started out hating the kid and taking my friend Moriah's Ipod to listen to him and pretend I was shooting him.....but I've changed!! My friend Lindsay and I have this theory, everyone is a Justin Bieber fan but it is just hidden in your bladder, so if you go pee 6 times in one day well then your Bieber liking will start showing! Ja can just picture some people holding their pee in until the last possible moment just to keep from liking Bieber.
Well I think that I have talked/wrote enough for right now so I will log off and get back to, to, to um to something. Bye(:
This morning my alarm goes off at 6:17, yes I know very weird time for an alarm to go off but I didn't set it for that time, I set it for 6:30 but my stero got off time and so now when it goes off my phone says 6:17 and not 6:30. So guess what I did....I didn't get up! Ok if not getting up when my alarm went off is the excitment of my day today feel free to make fun of me because good lord that is so lame! I ended up setting my phone alarm for 6:30 and got up then.
School...why can't we hit the snooze on when that starts? Yesterday at school the student council in the cafeteria played some Justin Bieber and I was oh so happy! Some of you may not know but I am a huge Bieber fan! It didn't start out that way though! I started out hating the kid and taking my friend Moriah's Ipod to listen to him and pretend I was shooting him.....but I've changed!! My friend Lindsay and I have this theory, everyone is a Justin Bieber fan but it is just hidden in your bladder, so if you go pee 6 times in one day well then your Bieber liking will start showing! Ja can just picture some people holding their pee in until the last possible moment just to keep from liking Bieber.
Well I think that I have talked/wrote enough for right now so I will log off and get back to, to, to um to something. Bye(:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I'm done with this!
It has been a wee bit since I last posted but I do hope you'll forgive me.
Usually SPS never gets snow days while everyone else on the face of this planet is getting them like crazy, well last week we had 4 snow days count them, 4! At the end of them I was getting a little anxious to go back. I didn't get bored until Sunday night though! Tuesday when it happened my mom needed things from Wal-Mart so we went and go some things, we got stuck coming out of the apartment so me and this super nice guy got us unstuck, then an old guy got stuck at Wal-Mart and I helped him too. It was so cold that it hurt! Then Wednesday I went to Emily's house for a few hours and then she spent the night at my house and we went to Cielito Lindo (most likely spelled wrong) where we got stuck for a second time! And I mean STUCK! We were digging and pushing, mean while there is this person sitting in their nice warm truck just staring at us, ohhhh I wanted to beat them up! But then we finally got unstuck again. As a reward my mom bought us all Andy's! Then Thursday I went to my dads where me and my sister and 3 of my brothers built a sledding track! FUN! It was great, and COLD! Is it just me or does it seem like snow brings cold!? Well then Friday I went to Hong Kong Inn with Amy and Korrissa, where I fell in the parking lot and my pants were wet the rest of the night! Ugh! Then we went bowling where I lost the first game with 49 and got second in the other game with 65, notice I suck at bowling! Then we went home, and on the way home my mom bought me and my sister Stake n Shake milkshakes! Yum! Then on Saturday I went to Amy's house where we played in the snow and made the BEST snowman ever known to anyone named Mo. This picture is of the BEST
snowman MO! Then on Sunday I spent the day with Cheryl, and we went to church and her house and then
she took me home. So that was my snow week! So Monday I was ready for school. Then today, Wednesday my mom tells me we have no school to shut off my alarm, I was happy to sleep but mad for no school! Ugh, so I am done with snow days and think they need to stop! Well thanks for reading if you made it this far. Have a great day! Bye! o_0
Usually SPS never gets snow days while everyone else on the face of this planet is getting them like crazy, well last week we had 4 snow days count them, 4! At the end of them I was getting a little anxious to go back. I didn't get bored until Sunday night though! Tuesday when it happened my mom needed things from Wal-Mart so we went and go some things, we got stuck coming out of the apartment so me and this super nice guy got us unstuck, then an old guy got stuck at Wal-Mart and I helped him too. It was so cold that it hurt! Then Wednesday I went to Emily's house for a few hours and then she spent the night at my house and we went to Cielito Lindo (most likely spelled wrong) where we got stuck for a second time! And I mean STUCK! We were digging and pushing, mean while there is this person sitting in their nice warm truck just staring at us, ohhhh I wanted to beat them up! But then we finally got unstuck again. As a reward my mom bought us all Andy's! Then Thursday I went to my dads where me and my sister and 3 of my brothers built a sledding track! FUN! It was great, and COLD! Is it just me or does it seem like snow brings cold!? Well then Friday I went to Hong Kong Inn with Amy and Korrissa, where I fell in the parking lot and my pants were wet the rest of the night! Ugh! Then we went bowling where I lost the first game with 49 and got second in the other game with 65, notice I suck at bowling! Then we went home, and on the way home my mom bought me and my sister Stake n Shake milkshakes! Yum! Then on Saturday I went to Amy's house where we played in the snow and made the BEST snowman ever known to anyone named Mo. This picture is of the BEST
snowman MO! Then on Sunday I spent the day with Cheryl, and we went to church and her house and then
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Catch Ya On The Flip Side
Long weekend is now over sadly and it is time to get back to actual school work things that made your mind numb and jello-y. I don't see why someone who did things like MLK Jr couldn't have a birthday right after him. Back to school means my schedule today, way too super easy Biology class, mind numbing nothing to do so you want to sleep Endeavor, dry sense of humor makes his tests weird maybe a little funny Mr. Tate's History class and I don't want to play I don't get some of the music Orchestra. Last night I had a slight fevor and my mom said that if I was like that in the morning that I shouldn't go to school, so I could have not came today but I decided I would be a good child and come to school and not play sick even though I have a stuffy nose and a little cough. I don't know what happend this year/last year, I used to never get sick and when I did it was serious and now this year/last year I have been getting these mini cold things even more than my sister who gets sick all to often! The guy I like still doesn't know it but I really wish he did because then maybe he might like me back, if you know who he is you could hint to him that I like him, maybe that'd help;) I am tired of typing so I am going to play internet games so I will catch you on the flip side, bye!(:
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ba ba baba ba Basketball Game! (:
My brother Payden had his first Upwards basketball game today and his team, The Bears, tied the other team, The Sharks, 16 to 16, but since Payden was on The Bears I say they won (: Yesterday before Jake and I went to bed we made signs that said Payden # 23 to hold up at the game, they made Payden nervous.(: Upwards has so many weird rules but I love their program because it goes through Church to do it. While he was playing he got the ball passed to him and started to shoot in the wrong basket, oh it was so cute! But then he got it down to the right one. The game was all in all good, expect for those two ball hogs. The ref for the game was my old principal from the first grade! Wow flashback right! After the game I ran over to him and said hi and told him who I was and I think he may have remembered me, or he may have been just saying he did, but wow it was great to see him, like wow. He was a fantastic principal and when he left, oh what a sad day! Then when we got home Payden and I went outside with his basketball and practiced because Payden is still new to the whole thing. We practiced for maybe 30 minutes then came inside. Even just the short amount of time we were out there I totally saw improvement. I have a stopped up nose, so I sound stupid and its hard to breath so I think I will get off this blog and do something else. See ya! (:
That is Payden, on a day when his hair was still long I did it that way for fun (:
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Annoying Girl! Be Quiet!
Imagine its 7:06am and you are in your school library on the computer, and there are other people in the library too, then there is this one girl in the library who apparently doesn't know that you have to be quiet in the library.
At first she was checking out books and obviously annoying the libriaian and then stamped herself with the stamp they put in the books, wow seriously. T
hen she proceeds to start telling a story, went something like this, "my dad was so drunk this morning that he gave me 5 more dollars and forgot that he gave me 10 yesterday." *libraian does annoyed little laugh* *annoying girl gets out her wallet* "I still have 11 dollars left!" *enters someone she knows* then they start talking just as loud as before, one is quiet but annoying girl is still so loud. *exit annoying girl and friend*
I am glad they are gone.
Sorry but I had to blog about that, it was annoying, so I did.
More importantly though I am rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which if you have not read it, do so!
I forgot how much I loved it, its fantastic!
Nothing exciting has hapened to me lately except I have decided to quit school and join the zoo, no I am only kidding really I have decided to quit and become a comedian, no just kidding again, I am staying in school.
Well since I have nothing else to say and the annoying girl has shut up I will leave you. Bye! (:
At first she was checking out books and obviously annoying the libriaian and then stamped herself with the stamp they put in the books, wow seriously. T
hen she proceeds to start telling a story, went something like this, "my dad was so drunk this morning that he gave me 5 more dollars and forgot that he gave me 10 yesterday." *libraian does annoyed little laugh* *annoying girl gets out her wallet* "I still have 11 dollars left!" *enters someone she knows* then they start talking just as loud as before, one is quiet but annoying girl is still so loud. *exit annoying girl and friend*
I am glad they are gone.
Sorry but I had to blog about that, it was annoying, so I did.
More importantly though I am rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which if you have not read it, do so!
I forgot how much I loved it, its fantastic!
Nothing exciting has hapened to me lately except I have decided to quit school and join the zoo, no I am only kidding really I have decided to quit and become a comedian, no just kidding again, I am staying in school.
Well since I have nothing else to say and the annoying girl has shut up I will leave you. Bye! (:
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tend The Rabbits :(
You have to read Of Mice and Men! Just saying! We had to read it in English2H and well wow I thought it was going to be really dumb like the other books we read but it wasn't it was so very good, so you better, or I will find out about you not and then I will hurt you! No not really but do do do do do read it! Do!
Finals is a dreaded time of year, it happens twice, for those of you who are seniors and have an A in any of your classes at second semester, lucky you, not having to take a final in the class you have an A in. Finals mean you have to study right, NO! I will probably study for one class, and that is History, maybe a little for French but not a lot. I figure if I do the study guide for the other classes that, that is studying enough. You have probably heard it many times but studying is spelled like student dying, so I try and make it a habit to not be a student who is dying, just not my thing. I do not ![](http://howtowithcourtney.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/end-of-semester-student-studying-finals-week-grading-essays.jpg)
For your viewing pleasure! (:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Super Fly! (:
Top of the morning ya! I thought that a picture of a top hat would be a very nice special touch. Well it's the
I used to be more of the Amanda Bynes in Shes The Man, type girl, minus the soccer, not my thing, picture a basketball where her soccer ball is. But now instead of being that I am way more like the picture to the left, girly. I am still not sure for sure but I think I like the one one the left better than the me that used to be on the right, but I'll leave you to decide for yourself. Yesterday in endeavor was when that happened, so we were talking in endeavor, with Miss West, bad idea. We talked the whole class pretty much, wait no, the whole class. We happened to be big chatter boxes, ![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Oly6uPACfvEPFM:http://www.socksoff.co.uk/00001/page06/Winter_Landscape_1600.jpg&t=1)
look like the picture on the left it was way less white. Well I have one last thing to blog about, because I can't get it out of my mind no matter how many other things I think about I cannot get it out of my mind, at all. That would be my trip to Brooklyn over Spring Break, I am so ready becasue I will be going to a Broadway show and staying with my cousin Amy. Brooklyn is all that is on my brain! No sleep till.....Brooklyn! Oh man I am so ready. Well I have to look up what
shows will be playing now so I am not watching something that I don't want to, so I will say adjö! (:
second day back at school today and let me tell you, that doesn't make me any happier about being back. I almost had a repeat last night of Monday night, and you are proably wondering, well what would you be reapeating, so I will tell you in a new sentence. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. When I finally fell asleep it was WELL after 1am and then when my mom's alarm went off at 4:44am, which is just weird, who puts their alarm at a weird number like that, well my mom thats who. So then I was lating there waiting for my alarm to go off and fell back asleep at like 5am and then my alarm went off at 6:30am and up I got. I was so tired getting ready, like so tired. So yesterday at school my friend Marissa told me, "you're turning into such a girl." I said in reply, "I am a girl, when wasn't I a girl?" Well I know what she meant that I used to be a tomboy and now I am no more.
which in Miss West's endeavor, not a good thing. But what can I say we love to talk, a lot, and then some. So we will most likely get seperated next endeavor, which makes me super unhappy! She should give us a break seeing how we just got back from our winter one. Too bad our break didn't
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Bonjour, I am a wee bit bored so I thought I would just write a little on here, yes I do know I have already posted today, but I don't give a care, I will post again. I have had a pretty much boring day, even though I am still not even ready to go back to school. We got a dart board, and I suck. Since I am bored I am going to open a new tab and type random pictures in on google and what I think is funny that pops up, I just might share. *opening new tab*
Yes I do know this is not the original version but it made the song better like this and also I hate the beatles so there I have said it I am in hate of the iconic band. But there is one of the best songs in my opinion, also by the only show worth watching, also in my opinion.
I will share the poster of my favorite movie and the poster of a close second and third.
One last thing I guess before I take my boredom elsewhere, I am going to show you who my favorite two actors are, well one actor and one actress that is.
I happen to like turtles a very lot and this came up so I am sharing like I said I would.
I thought I would give you the definition, since it came up too.
Ok so the random pictures bore me, and I didn't even really find good ones, so what I will do now is I will tell you why I started a blog.
I started a blog because I talk way too much for one person to hear on their own so I thought hey blogging must be good for the soul so here I am blogging away and I can't honestly say my soul is any better, but hey what ever blogging does make me less bored and I am not talking anyones ear off except yours, and I am not really talking so you see win win:) since that didn't take up as much as I thought I will share one of my favorite, well newly favorite songs with you.
Yes I do know this is not the original version but it made the song better like this and also I hate the beatles so there I have said it I am in hate of the iconic band. But there is one of the best songs in my opinion, also by the only show worth watching, also in my opinion.
I will share the poster of my favorite movie and the poster of a close second and third.
Second! I love Queen Latifah!
Third! Oh its great!
Taylor Lautner! So cute! Love Him!
Queen Latifah! I love her! So funny!
Well now I am going to go do something else now, so I will post later! Ok well TataForNow. TalkToYouLater! (:
The second day of the year was a good second day of the year. I went to church this morning and then came home and played Rummy with my brothers Jake and Payden, and I got second place with 510 and Jake had 520 and poor tiny little lady voice Payden came in last with a sad little 275, poor child, but I guess that is what little boys with lady voices get, no just kidding. I am so ready for February, which is when I get a new phone, oh yes I will finally be rid of the ugly thing that I have now, and also it is when my friend Amy and I have planned out Next Next Sleepover, yes unlike many of you we name our sleepovers, its a fun thing, you should try it (:
Since I newly know how to finally add pictures in a post I will do so now, in this small picture interlude. Enjoy :)
Then I am ready for March 18-28 because that is Spring Break and I shall more than likely, if I don't I will die, be going to Brooklyn, New York, oh yes that is right. I am really so super ready for it that it is sad really. I start school again on Tuesday and I don't think that should happen, I think we need more time off, but I guess the sooner we start the sooner Spring Break and Summer Break get here and also the sooner I get a new phone. Well there isn't much more to say of talk about, or have my brother read over my shoulder about, so it is now time for me to bid you adieu! (:
Since I newly know how to finally add pictures in a post I will do so now, in this small picture interlude. Enjoy :)
This is a picture I made with all of my family, brothers sister dad and stepmom, as old ladies in dresses.
This is my fantastic beautiful dog Kayla Nicole Price (:
This is is my friend Amy and Marissa and I riding a roller coaster with none other than Mr. Bieber (:
This would be my friend Hailey and Emily and I after we drew on our faces with eyeliner at a sleepover (:
This is my Fat Beast, Michelle and I with Hailey's things in our coat and we look pregnant :D
This is a picture I made and I love it! I also made the hat (:
This is a picture I made and I love it! I also made the hat (:
That is going to be the end of my picture interlude, mainly because I don't know which ones to add. (:
Then I am ready for March 18-28 because that is Spring Break and I shall more than likely, if I don't I will die, be going to Brooklyn, New York, oh yes that is right. I am really so super ready for it that it is sad really. I start school again on Tuesday and I don't think that should happen, I think we need more time off, but I guess the sooner we start the sooner Spring Break and Summer Break get here and also the sooner I get a new phone. Well there isn't much more to say of talk about, or have my brother read over my shoulder about, so it is now time for me to bid you adieu! (:
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